Thursday, March 4, 2010

Seven Quick Takes

Visit Jen for more quick takes.



I'm on the last rounds of the red socks. Only another half inch or so until the ribbing is done on sock number 2 and I have new socks! I already picked out the next pattern-a Wendy Johnson freebie on her site called Rivulets socks. I've had them in my Ravelry favorites for awhile now and everytime I go through that list I have to stop to drool over them. Time to make them.


I read a great reminder over at soulemama about taking the time to recharge yourself so that you can better take care of the people you love. That particular thought has been on my mind all week long as I've been feeling stretched again. So Wednesday night I went to bed early and ditched the feeling that I should be using that time to knit or clean. Sometimes the extra sleep is so much more worth it.


Superman made it through his finals for this quarter! Now we just have to wait to see about those grades. He's taking 2 open-ended classes over the next week before he starts his last quarter. The end is really in sight! I think I need to pinch myself . . .


Ender asked earlier this week if he could have paper, scissors and glue for an anonymous project. He sat working intently for a long time and triumphantly shared a paper elephant with us awhile later. It's been sleeping in his room the last few days and is NOT to be photographed. Apparently, "elephant is scared of bright lights and just likes to be quiet." (Ender's words).


I have been reading this DIY furniture blog over the last few days. I can't believe how easy some of those projects look. Maybe something to attempt over the summer?


Ezra has been really focused on feelings lately, specifically happy and sad. All day long everything we do leads to Ezra announcing whether or not it makes him happy or sad. Last night, Ezra was half asleep as I was singing to him and he said, "Ezra happy for singin' with Mama" as he drifted off. I love the sweet little things my boys say.


Tomorrow is the big day for my sister! This is our last wedding for awhile. We finished up most everything in the last few days- I got to finish the veil a few nights ago, and everything that can be done is done. All we have to do now is have the wedding! C. (my sister) and J. will be living in NYC after they are married (his hometown) while they continue to raise support to go serve in Korea. They are very close to meeting their goal, and C. will start language school in just a few months (J. is Korean and already speaks, but C. has a lot to learn!). We are pouring our prayers onto their marriage and the beginning of their lives in service.

1 comment:

  1. “elephant is scared of bright lights and just likes to be quiet.”
    It seems BOTH boys are interested in feelings these days!

    I don't know what open-ended classes are, but assume they are short non-credit classes. ? Congratulations on this last term to DH!

    Another wedding! It is a wonderful hopeful time of year for a ceremony, with sun and longer days and flowers soon! Back in the mid 8Os we spent time in Korea (Seoul) while DH taught a computer course. We did lots of travel as well by bus to see different areas. Many fond memories! (punctuality, children's schools, baseball, food, rice growing, love of children, kind friends...)


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